Saturday, December 18, 2010

Here's What I'm Convinced Of

Helloooooo out there! I'm not sure if anyone is still with me but if so, I've got a lot to catch you up on. Let's see....I'll write what we've been up to and then you can see for yourself with pictures. But first things first...As I reflect on all God has done since I came to know him and especially the last two and a half years, here's what I'm convinced of more than ever before.

There is nothing else worth giving my life to

God is good, loving, patient, compassionate, just, and his character is the same, yesterday, today and forever

John Piper says that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. Yes, I'm convinced of this.

My deepest need has been taken care of at the cross and so I don't ever have to fear losing my greatest treasure, my relationship with Him

His ways are "beyond tracing out" and I'll never understand all that he chooses this side of heaven, but I can rest in the fact that he sees all, knows all and controls all things

He is my truest source of joy, peace, strength, grace, hope

Mighty is the power of the cross

I came across this quote from a lady named Suzanne ( I read it on her blog) and it completely summarizes what God has been doing in my heart the past year.

"Are you going to stay in your comfortable little place and make sure everyone else around you is comfortable? We have the rest of our lives to be heaven, for eternity! I wanna go outa here all wrinkled, tired and ragged, looking like I have lived life to the fullest. At this ONE chance (called life on earth) to do something significant to bring God and God alone glory."

I couldn't have said it better. Friends, God has put adoption on our hearts. It's something Billy and I have talked about since we got married. We have always been open to where God might lead. We are praying through finances ( I wish it wasn't so dang expensive) and domestic vs. international. My heart is drawn to Africa. My heart is also drawn here to the "least likely" to be adopted. God has changed my perspective on the way we live and shown me so many things I can do without. Ok, like the operation Christmas child shoe boxes. Don't we have this backwards? Shouldn't we be sending millions of dollars that we as Americans spend on Christmas when in reality our kids don't NEED anything. Maybe we should give our children shoeboxes and send the money to children across the world who have nothing! Please don't hear me say that it's wrong to have nice things, but for me, God has shown practical ways I can sacrifice. And the best part is that it's my great privilege to do it, to trust and obey.... so we can go to Africa or wherever God leads!

I long to be eternally focused and not waste my life on all these things that won't last forever. The Word of God and the souls of men! God's glory! The gospel! God's kingdom!

"I have been crucified with Christ, it's no longer I who live, but Christ in me. The life I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me." Lord, make this true of my life!

I've been reading Radical by David Platt. Don't read it unless you want to be challenged!! He says-

" And this is where we need to pause. Because we are starting to redefine Christianity. We are giving in to the dangerous temptation to take the Jesus of the Bible and twist him into a version of Jesus we are comfortable with. A nice, middle-class American Jesus. A Jesus who doesn't mind materialism and who would never call us to give away everything we have. A Jesus who could not expect us to forsake our closest relationships so that he receives all our affection. A Jesus who is fine with nominal devotion that does not infringe on our comforts, because, after all, he loves us just he way we are. A Jesus who wants us to be balanced, who wants us to avoid dangerous extremes, and who, for that matter, wants us to avoid danger altogether. A Jesus who brings us comfort and prosperity as we live out our Christian spin on the American dream.

"But do you and I realize what we are actually doing at this point? We are molding Jesus into our image. He is beginning to look a lot like us because, after all, that is whom we are most comfortable with. And the danger now is that when we gather in our church buildings to sing and lift our hands in worship, we may not actually we worshiping the Jesus of the Bible. Instead we may be worshiping ourselves."

Wow. There is nothing else to say. Just let those statements soak in for a while. I'll keep you posted on the adoption process.

Phew, that's all for now :)

A Recap in pictures ( not in order)...Start of school, football, Camping, Halloween, Troy Homecoming and Thanksgiving. We've had a fun Fall!










Next time I'll share pictures of Elley's 5th birthday and Holden's 9th....we had some fun parties!!

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The List Maker said...

Girl, your pictures are too cute! Love hearing from you. Your thoughts are challenging - I'm more of a comfort girl myself, but I know He desires more. -Ashley H.

Shea said...

So, so happy to hear from you! I check your blog often, always hoping there will be news from you. I know you are busy and it looks like you are making so many happy memories with your bunch. Much love and prayers always with you. Can't wait to hear more about your adoption journey! Will be praying for God to make all the necessary provisions for you to make this dream a know He will! Bless you all.

Donna said...

Hope it is so wonderful to hear your heart and know how your beautiful family is doing. God bless you guys and Merry Christmas! Donna Tucker Ayers

Jennifer Werneth said...

i love, love the reminder that
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. i'm thankful for sweet friends like you that remind me again, and again as i am slow to learn! love you

The McNeills said...

So thankful with you for all that God is showing you. These are truths that we all need reminding of. Great pictures and can't wait to read more about your adoption journey!

Amy said...

HOPE!!!! I am glad to see you writing again. How fun that you guys are adopting. We want to but it seems we can't be still long enough just yet :) I don't know who you are using but a dear friend of ours is the director at Lifeline in Bham. I know they really work with you to help find financing with adoption but I am sure Aimee has told you this as well. Herbie is great!!! I look forward to hearing updates.

Lori said...

Hope, I'm so glad to see you back. Your words always challenge me. You are such a blessing even though I only see you about once every 5 yrs. That's awesome that you guys are considering adoption. I will lift you up in my prayers!

Keith Stewart said...

Hope -

You don't know me but I know parts of your story through ESPC (we came to the church at about the time you were moving). I work with DHR in Baldwin County and DHR has children ready for adoption throughout Alabama. These children have been through so much and many are considered "unadoptable" in so many ways (too old, too many siblings, too black...)

I hope that you will explore adoption through DHR as a viable option. The costs can be less than international adoption and the children in Alabama are just as deserving. You can get additional information at


Connecting to the soul said...

Hey there. I came across your blog and thought I'd say hi. You are so right we can live on less if we sit down and think about it. Compared to what others have I look like a hoarder I have way too many things I only think I need. Should start thinking and reexamining my life.


Anonymous said...

Hello, hello, hello!!!!! I haven't forgotten you Hope!!! And imagine my surprise when i logged on and read your blog and saw that wonderful news that you and Billy are praying about adoption. Well, of course you know what my thoughts are on that subject!!!! We try to daily remind our children of how God had such a hand in their lives before they were conceived, of how He had a plan for them, and how He knew where their lives would lead, how He knew we were all meant to become a family. It was His plan all along. Just keep praying; His plan for your family will be revealed to you too. We will keep praying for you too. Love you lots. Mrs. Cowan

Dewey Ds place said...

It was very interesting., so were the photos now you can visit my place.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so very interesting. I live in west Atlanta and have no children but have been married for almost 40 years. You have a great attitude and I'm so very sorry you have lost your little girl, but you are so strong. What an interesting life you lead, actually, and it is a life full of love and hope. Thank you for sharing. I'm a guy, by the way. It seems that everyone here who has posted is a lady, but guys read your blog too.

hapi said...

Hi Hope Atchison, Nice blog! How to add the Glitter Effect Mouse Pointer to your Blog

bonner2696 said...

Had you on my mind tonight .. Just had to drop in and see how things were going for your family.. Praying for you and the decisions ya'll have made since your last post almost 6 months ago.. I know God is preparing you for great things and paving the road before you .. In our prayers
hugs to all .steph

Angie Patton said...

Hi Hope! Stumbled across your blog address when going through some old papers. We miss you all, so sorry we're not so good at keeping in touch. I am happy to read how well you all are and love the pictures! You have such a beautiful family. It is exciting to hear your thoughts and plans for adoption. It is something I have thought about too. Definitely keep us posted. Take care and hi to the family. Love, Angie Patton

Anonymous said...

I wish there was something that i could tell you that would make everything alright and the pain of the past easy, but thats the deepest of my flesh speaking; for there is only one that can meet our deepest and most longing needs, no man or woman. If God has put adoption upon your hearts than rejoice in knowing that your eyes are set on that of the eternal rather than that of the world. For every deed that has eternal ramifications is a deed that is bringing the kingdom heaven to Earth, that God Himself has approved of and anointed. God is close to the broken of hearted, blessed are those who poor in spirit. None of us are strong and the more of our weakness we can acknowledge than the more of Jesus Christ strengthen us by his grace and his grace alone. I pray that God will continue to reveal himself to you and bless with his Glory.


Unknown said...

hapy family :)

Deji said...

Love your view of GOD

Deji said...

Actually my blogs are

şehirlerarası nakliyat said...

kocaeli güven nakliyat ile şehir içi ve şehirler arası olarak evinizi tam da sizin istediğiniz gibi korunaklı, güvenli ve kaliteli bir şekilde taşıyoruz. Konusunda yetkin personelimiz her daim isteklerinize göre hareket edeceklerdir. Mobilyalarınızı marangozlarımız muntazam bir şekilde montaj ve de-montaj yapacaklardır. Uzun yıllardır sektörde olmamızın verdiği avantajla çok daha kaliteli ve iyi bir işçilik çıkartıyoruz. Öngörüsü yüksek olan personelimiz oluşabilecek problemlere anında müdahale edeceklerdir. Tecrübelerimiz taşımalarımızda harikalar yaratmaktadır.
gebze nakliyat gebze nakliyat ile bizler ofisimizin bulunduğu Gebze'den ülkemizin dört bir yanına hizmet veriyoruz. Dilediğiniz ilden ve ilçeden bizleri arıyarak eşyalarınızın alınmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Kapalı dorseli nakliye araçlarımız ile yağıştan etkilenmeden sizi taşıyacağız. Bizleri arayarak istediğiniz zaman için taşınma talebinde bulunabilir, rezervasyon açtırabilirsiniz.