Peanut rolls over
Mother's Day was weird without Billy, Alaina and Elley being here. Me, Holden and MH went to breakfast with some friends and then to church. The BEST part of the day was something that happened with Holden after church. We're driving home and he just had a little boy attitude. Selfish attitude. Me, me, me, all about me attitude. You get the idea. So I'm trying to talk to him calmly, really trying to get him to see his heart attitude. I said, "Everything is not all about you, Where you want to eat, What you want to eat, the next toy you want to buy, etc. You're not even enjoying what you have but only thinking of the next thing you want." Now let me back up a minute. I have really tried to do some special things with him since Billy and the girls have gone. I know moving is hard on him and the girls going to my parents and him having to stay behind AGAIN because of school. We have gone places he wanted to go and I let him pick out lots of things HE likes at the grocery, etc. I struggle with where the line is between wanting to do some fun things for him but not wanting him to start to have an "I deserve" attitude and it's all about what I want to do all the time. Soooo, we're having this discussion in the van and he gets very quiet.
We get home and I get him to feed MH for me. He's sitting on the couch so I tried to find something for him to watch while feeding her. There was a Veggie Tales on the DVR so I turned that on, and even then, he said "I don't want to watch this" and turned off the TV. I told him I wasn't going to change it and if he wanted to watch something that was the only choice. He turned it back on and begins to watch it. It is the one where the man has all these rubber duckies, tons of them, but is only worried about getting another one. So here it is.....the best part of my mother's day....
I walked in the living room and Holden said, "Mama, he's just like ME...he has ALL those ducks but wants MORE...that's how I was acting."
Ohhhhhh, I was soooo thankful that HE recognized this in himself. He GOT IT!!! This is something we talk about a lot. Jesus came to serve not to BE served...consider others better than yourselves, etc. I knew this was a breakthrough moment for him. It was one of the first times that he was able to see his own selfishness without me pointing it out. We have a faithful God who loves our children more than we do....loves them enough to change their hearts!!! Thank you Jesus, for your grace in our lives, causing us to see our depravity...but you don't leave us have lavished your love and grace on us and we get to experience that all the more.
So we spent the afternoon in the basement playing shoot the army men down with the rubber band. (see above) Later on Holden said "Mama, how's my attitude???" This does my heart good.......I don't expect him to be perfect, I know none of us will be until heaven, but I long for my children (and myself) to (by the grace of God) live an unselfish life. A life that is others focused. A life that brings God glory.
Meanwhile, Elley and Alaina are loving life at my parents....playing outside, playing in the creek, spending the weekend with Beeney(Mary Blake). I thought this was great- Alaina sees the card I sent my Mom for Mother's Day and thinks it's for her. She gets it and opens it up and says, "It says, My mommy loves me so much!" I do little girl!
So funny and so sweet with train....God teaches(I learned that at the women's retreat)!! You can steal it but you probably already knew it...being a mom and all!!! I just get to watch and learn from all of you!!!!
Oh Hope, it brought tears to my eyes reading about Holden! It reminded me of the verse in Thessalonians...He who calls you is faithful and He will do it!! Parenting is hard, but thankfully we have a merciful and gracious Lord who has not left us (or our children) alone!!
hope I completely echo April...tears to my eyes and oh thank God that He is faithful. He really desires for them to be Christlike way more than we do. On another note, I am so encouraged by your comment on my blog. I don't know just how to sit with Him and I really need to train myself to do it. I told April just today - I really don't mind checking the boxes in my relationship with Him but I just want to be in love with the Lord. I am going to get the book today. Also the wise words of your mother n law pierced me to the core. I think i will spend some time this week thinking on this verse. Thanks Hope and I really don't mind book long comments as you can tell by this one :) Any ideas on where you will be living?
Hope, I think you are the best mom and wife in the world. Thanks for having such a good attitude toward our new chapter in life. It would be much harder for me if you weren't so great.
I hope that others in this world have the type of marraige that we do. If they did, they would be no devorces.
I love you and thank God for you.
I told ya'll....he can't spell, but I love him.
Hey this is Steve Reese, once youth pastor from Pinewood Pres where I had Billy do his mime, People need the Lord.
Can you please have him get in touch w/me. I'd like to know if he still does mime?
Thanks, Steve
Aww, they look so cute! Those are definitely happy moments for a mom. Being able to see their first roll over, their first tooth growing, their first try at walking their first tooth fall off, and a lot more! Definitely happy moments, I tell you. I remember one time when I took my little angel to the dentist's when we were still living in Sarasota, Florida. When she heard about the tooth fairy, she was all excited because she really wanted to buy something, and she thought that maybe the tooth fairy can help her with the money. Haha!
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